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Plan Your Visit

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Special Adventure For Just The Two Of You


At the Los Angeles Museum of Love, we believe that love is a journey worth celebrating, and we invite you to join us on this adventure.Embark on a self-guided journey through the various stages of a relationship. Navigate through romantic discovery, confront reality,  weather storms together, and embrace the continual evolution of your bond.

Explore our diverse array of over 50 activities available for you to enjoy during your visit. While your ticket grants you access for a two-hour period, early scheduling allows for extended stay.


Upon arrival, you will be presented with a memory book to keep as a cherished memento. Each activity is designed to help couples discover new insights about one another, and is often both enlightening and surprising.  Each couple is taken on a connection adventure, traveling through the stages of a relationship, learning, and participating in interactive adventures and games at their own pace. You will travel through loneliness, romance, intimacy, and, yes, even a storm, but end your journey by playing games in the fun room

The museum is a celebration of human connection. A large 3000 square foot building houses various exhibits that are all interactive.  The museum creates experiences that foster human connection.  It is low-tech and relies on simple interaction to fuel its energy.

Learn More

Please note that we strictly adhere to a firm closing time, set at 2 hours past our last reservation slot in the evenings. Our opening hours vary according to reservation times. Should your desired reservation time not be available, feel free to reach out to us directly for potential accommodations, we strive to be flexible to meet your needs.  


Relationship experts suggest that couples schedule at least two hours of dedicated face-to-face date time to nurture strong bonds. Both of our adventures are meticulously crafted to provide couples with enjoyable experiences while strengthening their connection.

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